Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Maddisons 1st dance performance

This a Maddie's 1st dance performance. She did pretty good for only being in dance for less that two months but she still has a lot of things to learn. Here she is trying to watch the teacher so she is a little bit behind the others.

Maddie is in the far back corner. I think she is pretty cute myself.

This is Maddie and Mataea who is in the same dance class. They have a lot of fun together. Arn't they cute?

Maddie poseing in her costume. What a little princess.

And again what a poser. She loves it!

1 comment:

Ephra said...

Oh my heck your kids are so cute!! Ya you better enjoy that little girl, she is adorable. I still think you should of had at least eight cause they are the cutest kids ever!!! Your holiday looked fun. Let me know next time your down this way and I'll visit!